Sabtu, 25 Mei 2019


Aspiration day is the annual event of SMAN 3 Bandung where all students can write down all their aspirations. Before entering the room students fill in the aspirations and signatures attendance attendance, then get a drink. Following is the arrangement of this event:

1. Greetings from Mr. Rohmat

2. Games (the committee throws the ball and those who are hit by the ball in the future) are given paper and the contents of the paper are the answers to all the questions the committee gave.
The question:
a. Mention 2 aspiday 2019 series!
The answer is festival and flash.
b. Mention the aspiday title 2019!
The answer is The Millennials.
c. What is the name of the 2019 aspiday chief executive?
The answer is Puspa Candra.
d. Mention one of the two speakers who will attend the talk show!
The answer is Ridwan Kamil.
e. How many 2019 aspiday teaser videos?
The answer is three.
The winning participant can get an envelope containing money.

3. First session talk show.
Resource person named Dr. Keri Lestari. This talkshow themed the importance of aspiring as a young generation who think critically and wisely.
In conveying those aspirations, you must know what is being addressed. Becoming a leader is how we convey aspirations.
Effective tips for communication techniques for aspirations to be heard:
a. Know who to go to.
b. Must be based on facts or data.
c. Think about or review what these aspirations need to be conveyed or not.
d. If the aspirations to succeed must be delivered together for those who have the same aspirations.
e. Delivering those aspirations is a way of being polite and polite.
How important is aspiration? Very important, brilliant ideas come from the creative and creative ones from young genes. if a good idea is not conveyed, it will be a shame because it will not happen. So the characteristic of young people is to be an 'agent of change' if there is a difference, so: Different is a blessing, although it is different that makes Indonesia a singular diversity ika. Different opinions can be a brilliant path.
Question and answer session :
To aspire to how to grow thingking critical? The answer is that thinking based on data is critical thinking. The data can be numbers, paragraphs are then processed.

4. Second session talk show
The speaker named Bu Dian, themed leadership. Leadership theory is a person who is able to be given the responsibility to decide something and can influence the people around him to realize the vision of the organization.
The characteristics of a good leader:
a. Able to set an example.
b. Able to respect others.
c. Having technical skills (armed with abilities and skills).
d. Able to communicate so that it can set a good example and be able to respect others.
e. Tolerant to stress (able to stand on each character member member).
How do you convey good aspirations as a leader? every person is a leader. When going to express your aspirations, do you want to talk, but first equip yourself with knowledge. Convey aspirations with good communication that will be heard by the audience. Then the aspirations will be conveyed if communication is good.
Question and answer session :
a. Is there a special procedure for aspirations to be heard by parents who have different thoughts and times with their children's lives?
The answer is to convey with a good way of communicating politely and politely, looking at the situation of whether the parents are busy or not, seducing them to make parents happy, then starting to invite them to talk by delivering data.
b. What if someone in leadership is only good in some aspects?
The answer is the most perfect is God. In the theory of psychology that humans are seen from their intelligence are diverse (there are verbal, musical, kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal) as well as a leader may have weaknesses but there are advantages. Of course it is worthy of being called a leader because every person has a characteristic of him there are weaknesses and strengths and there is no perfect human being besides Allah.
c. Do our aspirations really affect the institution? So what business efforts can we make so that our aspirations can be realized?
The answer is in preparing the school program must involve all components both the school, administration, government education, students, and others. From our aspirations, it will be collected by OSIS. Then the school conducts a needs analysis for students, for example by giving questionnaires. Later the school will take data from the answers of the most dominant students. So the point is that not all student aspirations can be realized because the school must reconsider.

5. Appearance from Classical Music 3 which delivered 3 songs.

6. The event was closed by the appearance of the guest star: Amigdala who sang her album song.