Minggu, 07 Januari 2018

My Last Holiday

My Holiday

     On last holidays,  I visited grandma's house located in the village of  Peundeuy, Leles, Garut City. I went to my grandmother's house on a motorbike with my female cousin and my other family. We leave at 9 am and get there at 12 noon. When we got there we rested for a while and continued with praying dzuhur activity and eat together. At that time we were full rest and did not go anywhere. 
     The next day, our family visited to Candi Cangkuang. There we crossed the lake using a raft to get to Cangkuang Temple. We also visited the museum which is located around the temple. Before returning home, we bought roasted corn to eat together at home. In the evening, around 8 pm we watch the ball show together. at that time, persib was playing with other soccer teams.

      On the second day, my cousin and I played with our holiday friends in our village. My friend named Didip, Puti, Zenal, Iip, and Egi. Every holiday comes, we always play together. Many games we play to fill vacation time.
We play football, play cards, play marbles, and watch volleyball games. We also joked with each other, to laugh together. I am happy to meet my friend in the village, because I have not met for a long time. We also played together until the afternoon. 

      On the third day, our family visited the hot spring pool called Surya Alam. We left at 6 am using a car and two motorcycles. In the pool, I taught my cousin to swim. He is so cute, because he is small and five years old. Me and he play the slide. He looks so happy when playing water.
We swam together until 10 am. And get home at 11 o'clock.

      The next day we do daily activities as usual. I was on vacation in my hometown for a week. And that's my holiday story at grandma's house.

      On the three days before the new year, I was already in Bandung.
      And on New Year's Eve 2018, I played with my female cousin Salsa and my friends Evri, Naya, Shelly, Hilman, Upa, Rifqi, Aji and Stephen.
      At 8 pm, we went to the market to buy corn and charcoal. When the clock is 23 more 30 minutes, charcoal is still not able to burn. We are looking for new charcoal and also use gasoline. At exactly 00:00 we saw lots of fireworks. After watching the fireworks, we started to burn corn until finished at 2 am.


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